PCE FI / RCD tester PCE-RCD 1 | Instant evaluation with display color | EN 61010-1 CAT III 600V | 10 mA to 650 mA
Sku: T-910198
166,15 € (incl. 19% de impuestos, excluyendo el transporte)
139,62 € (sin IVA legal, excluyendo el transporte)
215,25 € MSRP
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PCE Deutschland GmbH
SKU del fabricante:
GTIN Code (EAN):
1,04 Kg
Toda la información relacionada con los productos de PCE Deutschland GmbH. Modificaciones técnicas y ópticas del fabricante y errores reservados.
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Descripción del producto
This VDE tester determines the tripping current and tripping time of RCDs. The different selectable test currents allow a very flexible use of this VDE tester. Every house installation contains residual current devices. These interrupt the power supply as soon as a residual current occurs. VDE testers allow a residual current to flow and determine at which residual current the residual current circuit breaker reacts. Furthermore, the time of the reaction is also measured. These two parameters, tripping current and tripping time, are the safety-relevant parameters of an RCD.
The operation of this VDE tester is very simple. In addition to the maximum test current, you can set the type of RCD (normal or selective) and also whether the tripping current or the tripping time should be measured. Furthermore, you can select whether the test current should start with a positive or negative half-wave. If all settings are made, the measurement starts with one keystroke. With the display color, the VDE tester immediately gives a good/bad evaluation. You can read the measured value on the large LCD display. If the input voltage is too high or if there is no grounding, as well as if the ground potential is higher than 50 V, the VDE Tester will give a warning signal.
The operation of this VDE tester is very simple. In addition to the maximum test current, you can set the type of RCD (normal or selective) and also whether the tripping current or the tripping time should be measured. Furthermore, you can select whether the test current should start with a positive or negative half-wave. If all settings are made, the measurement starts with one keystroke. With the display color, the VDE tester immediately gives a good/bad evaluation. You can read the measured value on the large LCD display. If the input voltage is too high or if there is no grounding, as well as if the ground potential is higher than 50 V, the VDE Tester will give a warning signal.
Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung:
Da in unseren Sendungen Batterien und Akkus enthalten sein können, sind wir nach dem Batteriegesetz (BattG) verpflichtet, Sie auf Folgendes hinzuweisen:
- Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden, sondern Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus gesetzlich verpflichtet.
- Altbatterien können Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei nicht sachgemäßer Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe wie z.B. Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel und können verwertet werden.
- Sie können die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder an uns zurücksenden oder in unmittelbarer Nähe (z.B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen oder in unserem Lager) unentgeltlich zurückgeben.
- Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei für Endnutzer auf die übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat.
- Das Zeichen mit der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen
Unter diesen Zeichen finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung:
- Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei
- Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium
- Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber
Resultados relacionados
Todos los catálogos
La oferta está destinada exclusivamente a clientes comerciales, empresas, instituciones públicas, comerciantes y autónomos. Todos los precios de los catálogos no incluyen el IVA, los gastos de envío ni los recargos, si procede.
El fabricante es el único responsable del contenido, el precio y los detalles de los productos y ofertas presentados en los catálogos. Sujeto a cambios técnicos y ópticos por parte del fabricante y a excepción de errores.
El fabricante es el único responsable del contenido, el precio y los detalles de los productos y ofertas presentados en los catálogos. Sujeto a cambios técnicos y ópticos por parte del fabricante y a excepción de errores.
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PCE FI / RCD tester PCE-RCD 1 | Instant evaluation with display color | EN 61010-1 CAT III 600V | 10 mA to 650 mA
This VDE tester determines the tripping current and tripping time of RCDs. The different selectable test currents allow a very flexible use of this VDE tester. Every house installation contains residual current devices. These interrupt the power supply as soon as a residual current occurs. VDE testers allow a residual current to flow and determine at which residual current the residual current circuit breaker reacts. Furthermore, the time of the reaction is also measured. These two parameters, tripping current and tripping time, are the safety-relevant parameters of an RCD.
The operation of this VDE tester is very simple. In addition to the maximum test current, you can set the type of RCD (normal or selective) and also whether the tripping current or the tripping time should be measured. Furthermore, you can select whether the test current should start with a positive or negative half-wave. If all settings are made, the measurement starts with one keystroke. With the display color, the VDE tester immediately gives a good/bad evaluation. You can read the measured value on the large LCD display. If the input voltage is too high or if there is no grounding, as well as if the ground potential is higher than 50 V, the VDE Tester will give a warning signal. 4250348710642-4147 4250348710642 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-fi-rcd-tester-pce-rcd-1-instant-evaluation-with-display-color-en-61010-1-cat-iii-600v-10-ma-to-650-ma-t-910198-4250348710642?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 166.15 DE 14
The operation of this VDE tester is very simple. In addition to the maximum test current, you can set the type of RCD (normal or selective) and also whether the tripping current or the tripping time should be measured. Furthermore, you can select whether the test current should start with a positive or negative half-wave. If all settings are made, the measurement starts with one keystroke. With the display color, the VDE tester immediately gives a good/bad evaluation. You can read the measured value on the large LCD display. If the input voltage is too high or if there is no grounding, as well as if the ground potential is higher than 50 V, the VDE Tester will give a warning signal. 4250348710642-4147 4250348710642 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-fi-rcd-tester-pce-rcd-1-instant-evaluation-with-display-color-en-61010-1-cat-iii-600v-10-ma-to-650-ma-t-910198-4250348710642?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 166.15 DE 14