PCE Industry - Endoscope PCE-VE 1036HR-F
Sku: T-910290
2.885,05 € (incl. 19% de impuestos, excluyendo el transporte)
2.424,41 € (sin IVA legal, excluyendo el transporte)
3.772,19 € MSRP
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1 Pieza
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Datos del producto
PCE Deutschland GmbH
SKU del fabricante:
GTIN Code (EAN):
5,86 Kg
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Descripción del producto
The PCE-VE 1036HR-F endoscope is a versatile inspection instrument. Various endoscope cables with different characteristics can be connected to the endoscope. A special advantage of the endoscope is the large display, which offers the user the best possible overview of the area to be viewed due to its dimensions and resolution. At the same time, the endoscope enables the recording of images and videos, whereby the videos are additionally stored with an audio recording.
The clear resolution is also evident when the images are stored on the inserted SD card in the endoscope by pressing a button. When the SD card is read out on the computer, the recorded images and videos are clearly displayed. Due to the fact that the recordings are stored on an external mass storage device, you can choose which SD card is inserted into the endoscope. However, this should have a maximum capacity of 32 GB. An 8 GB memory card allows the storage of more than 60000 images or more than 530 minutes of video material. The two-way optics are a great advantage of the endoscope, especially in places that are difficult to access. However, if control over the camera head is not sufficient and images cannot be satisfactorily displayed, there is still the possibility to rotate the images on the handheld display at a 90° angle.
In addition to image rotation, various other functions can also be set on the handheld unit itself. For example, the endoscope allows a digital zoom as well as the adjustment of the LED brightness of the camera head. The endoscope has a thread on the back that allows the user to position the main unit on a tripod to make permanent recordings. Matching to this, the automatic switch-off can be activated or deactivated in the menu of the endoscope. Furthermore, when activating the automatic switch-off, it is possible to choose between different time intervals between 5 and 30 minutes. In addition to the tripod device, however, the main device can also be held comfortably on the padded holding loops.
The clear resolution is also evident when the images are stored on the inserted SD card in the endoscope by pressing a button. When the SD card is read out on the computer, the recorded images and videos are clearly displayed. Due to the fact that the recordings are stored on an external mass storage device, you can choose which SD card is inserted into the endoscope. However, this should have a maximum capacity of 32 GB. An 8 GB memory card allows the storage of more than 60000 images or more than 530 minutes of video material. The two-way optics are a great advantage of the endoscope, especially in places that are difficult to access. However, if control over the camera head is not sufficient and images cannot be satisfactorily displayed, there is still the possibility to rotate the images on the handheld display at a 90° angle.
In addition to image rotation, various other functions can also be set on the handheld unit itself. For example, the endoscope allows a digital zoom as well as the adjustment of the LED brightness of the camera head. The endoscope has a thread on the back that allows the user to position the main unit on a tripod to make permanent recordings. Matching to this, the automatic switch-off can be activated or deactivated in the menu of the endoscope. Furthermore, when activating the automatic switch-off, it is possible to choose between different time intervals between 5 and 30 minutes. In addition to the tripod device, however, the main device can also be held comfortably on the padded holding loops.
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- Altbatterien können Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei nicht sachgemäßer Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe wie z.B. Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel und können verwertet werden.
- Sie können die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder an uns zurücksenden oder in unmittelbarer Nähe (z.B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen oder in unserem Lager) unentgeltlich zurückgeben.
- Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei für Endnutzer auf die übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat.
- Das Zeichen mit der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen
Unter diesen Zeichen finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung:
- Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei
- Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium
- Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber
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PCE Industry - Endoscope PCE-VE 1036HR-F
The PCE-VE 1036HR-F endoscope is a versatile inspection instrument. Various endoscope cables with different characteristics can be connected to the endoscope. A special advantage of the endoscope is the large display, which offers the user the best possible overview of the area to be viewed due to its dimensions and resolution. At the same time, the endoscope enables the recording of images and videos, whereby the videos are additionally stored with an audio recording.
The clear resolution is also evident when the images are stored on the inserted SD card in the endoscope by pressing a button. When the SD card is read out on the computer, the recorded images and videos are clearly displayed. Due to the fact that the recordings are stored on an external mass storage device, you can choose which SD card is inserted into the endoscope. However, this should have a maximum capacity of 32 GB. An 8 GB memory card allows the storage of more than 60000 images or more than 530 minutes of video material. The two-way optics are a great advantage of the endoscope, especially in places that are difficult to access. However, if control over the camera head is not sufficient and images cannot be satisfactorily displayed, there is still the possibility to rotate the images on the handheld display at a 90° angle.
In addition to image rotation, various other functions can also be set on the handheld unit itself. For example, the endoscope allows a digital zoom as well as the adjustment of the LED brightness of the camera head. The endoscope has a thread on the back that allows the user to position the main unit on a tripod to make permanent recordings. Matching to this, the automatic switch-off can be activated or deactivated in the menu of the endoscope. Furthermore, when activating the automatic switch-off, it is possible to choose between different time intervals between 5 and 30 minutes. In addition to the tripod device, however, the main device can also be held comfortably on the padded holding loops. 4250348715944-4147 4250348715944 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-industry-endoscope-pce-ve-1036hr-f-t-910290-4250348715944?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 2885.05 DE 14
The clear resolution is also evident when the images are stored on the inserted SD card in the endoscope by pressing a button. When the SD card is read out on the computer, the recorded images and videos are clearly displayed. Due to the fact that the recordings are stored on an external mass storage device, you can choose which SD card is inserted into the endoscope. However, this should have a maximum capacity of 32 GB. An 8 GB memory card allows the storage of more than 60000 images or more than 530 minutes of video material. The two-way optics are a great advantage of the endoscope, especially in places that are difficult to access. However, if control over the camera head is not sufficient and images cannot be satisfactorily displayed, there is still the possibility to rotate the images on the handheld display at a 90° angle.
In addition to image rotation, various other functions can also be set on the handheld unit itself. For example, the endoscope allows a digital zoom as well as the adjustment of the LED brightness of the camera head. The endoscope has a thread on the back that allows the user to position the main unit on a tripod to make permanent recordings. Matching to this, the automatic switch-off can be activated or deactivated in the menu of the endoscope. Furthermore, when activating the automatic switch-off, it is possible to choose between different time intervals between 5 and 30 minutes. In addition to the tripod device, however, the main device can also be held comfortably on the padded holding loops. 4250348715944-4147 4250348715944 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-industry-endoscope-pce-ve-1036hr-f-t-910290-4250348715944?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 2885.05 DE 14