PCE steaming cabinet / steaming chamber PCE-DLT 10
Sku: T-909952
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doneMade in Germany
steaming cabinet based on AMK-MB-005
automatic test sequence
for up to 5 test specimens
automatic test sequence
for up to 5 test specimens
Datos del producto
PCE Deutschland GmbH
SKU del fabricante:
GTIN Code (EAN):
50,00 Kg
Toda la información relacionada con los productos de PCE Deutschland GmbH. Modificaciones técnicas y ópticas del fabricante y errores reservados.
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Descripción del producto
With the steaming chamber PCE-DLT 10 the water vapor resistance of samples (optimal size 300x200mm) can be tested following AMK-MB-005 test module 1 water vapor exposure. This test with the steaming chamber simulates the use of the furniture over cooking places, sinks, dishwashers or everywhere where water vapor can occur. A special feature of this steaming chamber is the extra large water basin, which allows optimal utilization of the test space.
This large water basin ensures that the same test conditions prevail in the entire test area and that the water vapor is evenly distributed. In conventional methods, the test area is limited by the size of the water pot used. Parts hanging in the edge area are not guaranteed to be completely suspended in the water vapor. Another advantage of this steaming oven is that external influences are largely eliminated by the closed test area.
This leads to a good reproducibility of the test conditions. The put in” system of the steaming oven allows easy handling of the samples. This makes changing samples much faster, easier and safer. The height-adjustable temperature sensor allows the temperature measuring point to be adapted to the size of the component. This ensures that the temperature is measured directly at the lower edge of the component. A temperature control ensures constant test conditions over the entire test period. At the same time, the measured temperature values are documented in the data logger of the vaporization chamber.
This large water basin ensures that the same test conditions prevail in the entire test area and that the water vapor is evenly distributed. In conventional methods, the test area is limited by the size of the water pot used. Parts hanging in the edge area are not guaranteed to be completely suspended in the water vapor. Another advantage of this steaming oven is that external influences are largely eliminated by the closed test area.
This leads to a good reproducibility of the test conditions. The put in” system of the steaming oven allows easy handling of the samples. This makes changing samples much faster, easier and safer. The height-adjustable temperature sensor allows the temperature measuring point to be adapted to the size of the component. This ensures that the temperature is measured directly at the lower edge of the component. A temperature control ensures constant test conditions over the entire test period. At the same time, the measured temperature values are documented in the data logger of the vaporization chamber.
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PCE steaming cabinet / steaming chamber PCE-DLT 10
With the steaming chamber PCE-DLT 10 the water vapor resistance of samples (optimal size 300x200mm) can be tested following AMK-MB-005 test module 1 water vapor exposure. This test with the steaming chamber simulates the use of the furniture over cooking places, sinks, dishwashers or everywhere where water vapor can occur. A special feature of this steaming chamber is the extra large water basin, which allows optimal utilization of the test space.
This large water basin ensures that the same test conditions prevail in the entire test area and that the water vapor is evenly distributed. In conventional methods, the test area is limited by the size of the water pot used. Parts hanging in the edge area are not guaranteed to be completely suspended in the water vapor. Another advantage of this steaming oven is that external influences are largely eliminated by the closed test area.
This leads to a good reproducibility of the test conditions. The put in” system of the steaming oven allows easy handling of the samples. This makes changing samples much faster, easier and safer. The height-adjustable temperature sensor allows the temperature measuring point to be adapted to the size of the component. This ensures that the temperature is measured directly at the lower edge of the component. A temperature control ensures constant test conditions over the entire test period. At the same time, the measured temperature values are documented in the data logger of the vaporization chamber. 4250348715128-1 4250348715128 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-steaming-cabinet-steaming-chamber-pce-dlt-10-t-909952-4250348715128?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 7276.5 DE 14
This large water basin ensures that the same test conditions prevail in the entire test area and that the water vapor is evenly distributed. In conventional methods, the test area is limited by the size of the water pot used. Parts hanging in the edge area are not guaranteed to be completely suspended in the water vapor. Another advantage of this steaming oven is that external influences are largely eliminated by the closed test area.
This leads to a good reproducibility of the test conditions. The put in” system of the steaming oven allows easy handling of the samples. This makes changing samples much faster, easier and safer. The height-adjustable temperature sensor allows the temperature measuring point to be adapted to the size of the component. This ensures that the temperature is measured directly at the lower edge of the component. A temperature control ensures constant test conditions over the entire test period. At the same time, the measured temperature values are documented in the data logger of the vaporization chamber. 4250348715128-1 4250348715128 https://www.toolteam.com/es-ES/pce-steaming-cabinet-steaming-chamber-pce-dlt-10-t-909952-4250348715128?dc=ES&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 7276.5 DE 14