PCE-EPT 1.5 lifting scale with integrated electric motor drive up to 1500 kg | Exactly ±0.2% of m.b. |450W
UGS: T-910401
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Données du produit
PCE Deutschland GmbH
Fabricant UGS:
Code GTIN (EAN):
105,00 Kg
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Description du produit
The floor scale is a lift truck with integrated electric motor drive. The 20 Ah battery of the floor scale can be recharged via the supplied power supply unit. If required, the battery from the floor scale can be replaced with a fully charged battery in a few simple steps. This ensures an almost uninterrupted workflow in, for example, 24/7 operation with the floor scale.
In addition, the floor scale has a weighing function. This means that pallets can be weighed with the floor scale. The weight is measured on the floor scale via four built-in load cells with a total measuring range of 0 ... 1500 kg. To facilitate weighing, a zero point and taring can be performed.
Thanks to the electric drive and the integrated weighing device, the floor scale is the ideal support for any logistics or forwarding employee. Thus, productivity is increased and at the same time the load of the employees is reduced. Optionally, the floor scale can be equipped with an ISO calibration certificate.
In addition, the floor scale has a weighing function. This means that pallets can be weighed with the floor scale. The weight is measured on the floor scale via four built-in load cells with a total measuring range of 0 ... 1500 kg. To facilitate weighing, a zero point and taring can be performed.
Thanks to the electric drive and the integrated weighing device, the floor scale is the ideal support for any logistics or forwarding employee. Thus, productivity is increased and at the same time the load of the employees is reduced. Optionally, the floor scale can be equipped with an ISO calibration certificate.
Hinweise zur Batterieentsorgung:
Da in unseren Sendungen Batterien und Akkus enthalten sein können, sind wir nach dem Batteriegesetz (BattG) verpflichtet, Sie auf Folgendes hinzuweisen:
- Batterien und Akkus dürfen nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden, sondern Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien und Akkus gesetzlich verpflichtet.
- Altbatterien können Schadstoffe enthalten, die bei nicht sachgemäßer Lagerung oder Entsorgung die Umwelt oder Ihre Gesundheit schädigen können. Batterien enthalten aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe wie z.B. Eisen, Zink, Mangan oder Nickel und können verwertet werden.
- Sie können die Batterien nach Gebrauch entweder an uns zurücksenden oder in unmittelbarer Nähe (z.B. im Handel oder in kommunalen Sammelstellen oder in unserem Lager) unentgeltlich zurückgeben.
- Die Abgabe in Verkaufsstellen ist dabei für Endnutzer auf die übliche Mengen sowie solche Altbatterien beschränkt, die der Vertreiber als Neubatterien in seinem Sortiment führt oder geführt hat.
- Das Zeichen mit der durchgekreuzten Mülltonne bedeutet, dass Sie Batterien und Akkus nicht im Hausmüll entsorgen dürfen
Unter diesen Zeichen finden Sie zusätzlich nachstehende Symbole mit folgender Bedeutung:
- Pb = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,004 Masseprozent Blei
- Cd = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,002 Masseprozent Cadmium
- Hg = Batterie enthält mehr als 0,0005 Masseprozent Quecksilber
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Le fabricant est exclusivement responsable du contenu, des prix et des détails des articles et des offres présentés dans les catalogues. Sous réserve de modifications techniques et optiques du fabricant et sous réserve d’erreurs.
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PCE-EPT 1.5 lifting scale with integrated electric motor drive up to 1500 kg | Exactly ±0.2% of m.b. |450W
The floor scale is a lift truck with integrated electric motor drive. The 20 Ah battery of the floor scale can be recharged via the supplied power supply unit. If required, the battery from the floor scale can be replaced with a fully charged battery in a few simple steps. This ensures an almost uninterrupted workflow in, for example, 24/7 operation with the floor scale.
In addition, the floor scale has a weighing function. This means that pallets can be weighed with the floor scale. The weight is measured on the floor scale via four built-in load cells with a total measuring range of 0 ... 1500 kg. To facilitate weighing, a zero point and taring can be performed.
Thanks to the electric drive and the integrated weighing device, the floor scale is the ideal support for any logistics or forwarding employee. Thus, productivity is increased and at the same time the load of the employees is reduced. Optionally, the floor scale can be equipped with an ISO calibration certificate. 4250348729828-1 4250348729828 https://www.toolteam.com/fr-FR/pce-ept-1-5-lifting-scale-with-integrated-electric-motor-drive-up-to-1500-kg-exactly-0-2-of-m-b-450w-t-910401-4250348729828?dc=FR&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 2634.79 DE 14
In addition, the floor scale has a weighing function. This means that pallets can be weighed with the floor scale. The weight is measured on the floor scale via four built-in load cells with a total measuring range of 0 ... 1500 kg. To facilitate weighing, a zero point and taring can be performed.
Thanks to the electric drive and the integrated weighing device, the floor scale is the ideal support for any logistics or forwarding employee. Thus, productivity is increased and at the same time the load of the employees is reduced. Optionally, the floor scale can be equipped with an ISO calibration certificate. 4250348729828-1 4250348729828 https://www.toolteam.com/fr-FR/pce-ept-1-5-lifting-scale-with-integrated-electric-motor-drive-up-to-1500-kg-exactly-0-2-of-m-b-450w-t-910401-4250348729828?dc=FR&cu=EUR 2024-12-02 2634.79 DE 14