Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212 Miniatura

Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212

Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche geb XL011C01212

Sku: T-1234756
Articolo fuori produzione
Domanda sul prodotto

Product variants

Sku: Nome: SKU del produttore:
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche ka XL011C01111 T-1221004 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche ka XL011C01111
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm taupe XL011C09191 T-1221005 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm taupe XL011C09191
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm betongrau ma tt XL011C00707 T-1230248 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm betongrau ma tt XL011C00707
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm lichtblau ma tt XL011C00909 T-1230249 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm lichtblau ma tt XL011C00909
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm nussbaum dun kel XL011C02121 T-1230250 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm nussbaum dun kel XL011C02121
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm leinen XL011C07575 T-1230251 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm leinen XL011C07575
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we ma XL011C01818 T-1234757 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we ma XL011C01818
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we hgl XL011C02222 T-1234758 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we hgl XL011C02222
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm kast XL011C05353 T-1234759 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm kast XL011C05353
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm NB natur XL011C07979 T-1234760 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm NB natur XL011C07979
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we hgl lack XL011C08585 T-1234761 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm we hgl lack XL011C08585
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm cappu hgl XL011C08686 T-1234762 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm cappu hgl XL011C08686
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm amerik NB XL011C01313 T-1248363 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm amerik NB XL011C01313
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm pi sil XL011C03131 T-1248364 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm pi sil XL011C03131
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm dolo gr XL011C03838 T-1248365 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm dolo gr XL011C03838
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm sw hgl XL011C04040 T-1248366 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm sw hgl XL011C04040
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm bas ma XL011C04343 T-1248367 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm bas ma XL011C04343
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm sto bl hgl XL011C04747 T-1248368 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm sto bl hgl XL011C04747
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm grap ma XL011C04949 T-1248369 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm grap ma XL011C04949
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm pi ter XL011C05151 T-1248370 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm pi ter XL011C05151
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eu eiche XL011C05252 T-1248371 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eu eiche XL011C05252
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm NB geb XL011C06969 T-1248372 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm NB geb XL011C06969
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm medi eiche XL011C07171 T-1248373 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm medi eiche XL011C07171
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche du XL011C07272 T-1248374 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm eiche du XL011C07272
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm flan gr hgl XL011C08989 T-1248375 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm flan gr hgl XL011C08989
Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm flan gr sdm XL011C09090 T-1248376 Duravit Konsole X-LARGE 4 80x1000x24mm flan gr sdm XL011C09090
doneKonsole X-LARGE
doneeiche gebürstet
done480 x 1000 x 24 mm
Konsolenplatte mit 1 Ausschnitt · für Aufsatzbecken · für Ecke links

Dati del prodotto

SKU del produttore:
GTIN Code (EAN):
14,50 Kg
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Descrizione del prodotto

Konsolenplatte mit 1 Ausschnitt · für Aufsatzbecken · für Ecke links
  • Breite: 480 mm
  • Farbe: eiche gebürstet
  • Höhe: 24 mm
  • Tiefe: 1000 mm
  • Designer: sieger design
  • Variante: mit 1 Ausschnitt, für Ecke links
  • Passend zu Waschtisch: für Aufsatzbecken
  • Bauart: Waschtischplatte
  • Oberfläche: Echtholzfurnier
  • Serie: X-LARGE
  • Marke: DURAVIT
  • Material: Hochverdichtete Dreischicht-Holzspanplatte

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